Covered Call Candidates for IBB (IBB)

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Here are all the available covered call candidates for IBB.

Out of the money covered calls

Expiry DTE Strike Close Bid on Option Return of premium Return if called
04/19/2024 2 128,00 127,84 1,20 0,95 % 1,07 %
04/26/2024 9 128,00 127,84 1,90 1,51 % 1,64 %
05/03/2024 16 128,00 127,84 2,50 1,99 % 2,12 %
05/10/2024 23 128,00 127,84 2,95 2,36 % 2,49 %
05/17/2024 30 128,00 127,84 3,40 2,73 % 2,86 %
05/24/2024 37 128,00 127,84 3,70 2,98 % 3,11 %
05/31/2024 44 128,00 127,84 4,00 3,23 % 3,36 %
06/21/2024 65 128,00 127,84 4,90 3,99 % 4,12 %
09/20/2024 156 128,00 127,84 8,10 6,76 % 6,90 %
10/18/2024 184 130,00 127,84 7,70 6,41 % 8,21 %
11/15/2024 212 130,00 127,84 8,60 7,21 % 9,02 %
01/17/2025 275 128,00 127,84 11,50 9,88 % 10,02 %
01/16/2026 639 128,00 127,84 18,00 16,39 % 16,53 %

In the money covered calls

Expiry DTE Strike Close Bid on Option Break even Return if called
04/19/2024 2 127,00 127,84 1,80 126,04 0,76 %
04/26/2024 9 127,00 127,84 2,50 125,34 1,32 %
05/03/2024 16 127,00 127,84 3,10 124,74 1,81 %
05/10/2024 23 127,00 127,84 3,50 124,34 2,14 %
05/17/2024 30 127,00 127,84 4,00 123,84 2,55 %
05/24/2024 37 127,00 127,84 4,30 123,54 2,80 %
05/31/2024 44 127,00 127,84 4,60 123,24 3,05 %
06/21/2024 65 127,00 127,84 5,50 122,34 3,81 %
09/20/2024 156 127,00 127,84 8,70 119,14 6,60 %
10/18/2024 184 125,00 127,84 10,60 117,24 6,62 %
11/15/2024 212 125,00 127,84 11,60 116,24 7,54 %
01/17/2025 275 127,00 127,84 12,10 115,74 9,73 %
01/16/2026 639 127,00 127,84 18,50 109,34 16,15 %
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