Out of the Money Covered Calls for 02/21/2025 - 299 DTE

Below you find the list of out of the money covered calls for the given expiration date. Included are all otm covered call plays from our database that yield more than 1% until expiration.

Company Stock Strike Close Bid on Option Return of premium Return if called
MNDY MNDY 195,00 190,40 37,90 24,85 % 27,87 %
NVDA NVDA 880,00 879,30 171,10 24,16 % 24,26 %
CLS CLS 45,00 42,51 7,30 20,73 % 27,81 %
ANET ANET 270,00 264,70 45,00 20,48 % 22,89 %
WLDN WLDN 30,00 28,30 4,70 19,92 % 27,12 %
TWLO TWLO 62,50 60,89 10,05 19,77 % 22,93 %
WCC WCC 160,00 155,80 23,60 17,85 % 21,03 %
HLIT HLIT 10,00 9,20 1,35 17,20 % 27,39 %
WDC WDC 72,50 71,00 10,15 16,68 % 19,15 %
MAG MAG 15,00 12,96 1,75 15,61 % 33,81 %
AVGO AVGO 1.360,00 1.344,07 176,50 15,12 % 16,48 %
STLD STLD 135,00 134,04 16,80 14,33 % 15,15 %
MRCY MRCY 30,00 29,08 3,60 14,13 % 17,74 %
MAMA MAMA 7,50 6,11 0,75 13,99 % 39,93 %
ITRI ITRI 100,00 96,40 11,50 13,55 % 17,79 %
SCCO SCCO 120,00 117,32 14,00 13,55 % 16,14 %
GDDY GDDY 130,00 125,01 13,70 12,31 % 16,79 %
ROK ROK 290,00 280,12 30,30 12,13 % 16,08 %
ODP ODP 55,00 51,39 5,20 11,26 % 19,07 %
VEL VEL 17,50 17,01 1,65 10,74 % 13,93 %
ACM ACM 95,00 94,05 8,60 10,06 % 11,18 %
RAPT RAPT 10,00 8,10 0,50 6,58 % 31,58 %
TLT TLT 89,00 88,41 4,95 5,93 % 6,64 %
GOLD GOLD 20,00 17,08 0,76 4,66 % 22,55 %
BUR BUR 17,50 15,39 0,45 3,01 % 17,14 %
LQD LQD 106,00 105,13 3,05 2,99 % 3,84 %
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