Out of the Money Covered Calls for 04/18/2019 - -1 DTE

Below you find the list of out of the money covered calls for the given expiration date. Included are all otm covered call plays from our database that yield more than 1% until expiration.

Company Stock Strike Close Bid on Option Return of premium Return if called
Ionis Pharmaceuticals Inc IONS 73.00 72.99 10.70 17.18 % 17.19 %
Gulfport Energy Corporation GPOR 7.00 6.70 0.70 11.68 % 16.76 %
Arena Pharmaceuticals, Inc. ARNA 44.50 44.07 3.40 8.36 % 9.42 %
PTC Therapeutics, Inc. PTCT 36.50 36.12 2.20 6.49 % 7.61 %
WellCare Health Plans, Inc. WCG 260.00 252.35 15.10 6.36 % 9.59 %
Brookfield Property Partners LP BPY 21.00 20.93 1.10 5.55 % 5.93 %
Mattel Inc MAT 12.50 12.49 0.65 5.49 % 5.57 %
Community Health Systems CYH 3.50 3.26 0.15 4.82 % 12.54 %
Iqvia Holdings Inc IQV 135.00 133.02 5.40 4.23 % 5.78 %
Momenta Pharmaceuticals, Inc. MNTA 14.00 13.92 0.50 3.73 % 4.32 %
Greif, Inc. GEF 40.00 38.71 1.10 2.92 % 6.35 %
Cal-Maine Foods Inc CALM 41.50 41.10 0.95 2.37 % 3.36 %
Steris PLC STE 125.00 122.86 2.30 1.91 % 3.68 %
500.com Ltd WBAI 15.00 12.52 0.20 1.62 % 21.75 %
Macerich Co MAC 42.50 41.46 0.60 1.47 % 4.01 %
STAAR Surgical Company STAA 32.00 31.21 0.40 1.30 % 3.86 %
CTI BioPharma Corp CTIC 1.00 0.97 0.01 1.04 % 3.71 %
While we really try to make sure that all data on this website is correct end-of-day data, errors are always possible. So always check current market conditions and prices with your broker and/or main data vendor. This website is meant to be an educational tool for your idea generation, therefore never act upon it's content directly.