Screener for Covered Calls - Welcome to

Serving the covered call investment community for more than ten years.

Welcome to the latest release of! Besides changing the look of the web site we made it easier for you to go looking for interesting covered call candidates. On the page with all the different expiries you'll now see how many covered call candidates are in our database for the expiry date. From there you can easily navigate to a list of the different covered call candidates for that expiry date. A click on an underlying on the otm and itm covered call lists will take you to a detail page for that underlying. Here you can see all the covered call canddates for that underlying listed by expiration cycle and itm/otm.

We did some changes to the web site under the hood. It should be easier to navigate and link to specific pages, the page for each underlying contains a nice chart.

Since we started, this web site has always been free of charge and we would like to keep it that way. As just running google ads is not really providing enough cashflow to cover the operating expenses, we added another easy way for you to help us keep this site up: a small script is run that mines for crypto currencies while you are on our site. You will probably not notice any delays and it helps to keep the site up.

How do you like the all new Please make sure to let us know!

Take me to the covered calls!